Friday, July 25, 2008

The Play

Last night Amanda and I went to see the Community Player's version of the play "Mame". It was really good and very funny. Kevin was in the orchestra and anytime I get to see or hear him perform I enjoy it but the play last night was so good that I would have enjoyed it even if he had not been in it.

The play is about a young boy named Patrick whose parents die and his only living relative is his "Auntie Mame". He nanny takes him to New York to Mame's house to deliver him and when they arrive there is a party going on. Mame is very into partying, she is known for having a party every night. Right away Mame and Patrick bond and develop a very close relationship. The only problem is that Mame has no idea how to parent, in fact she really has no idea how to do much of anything other than party. This all takes place shortly before the stock crash that set off the Great Depression. Once the depression hit, Mame has to learn how to live life without money until she meets a rich man who falls in love with her and marries her. They go on an extended honeymoon that lasts for years. They travel around the world while Patrick is in boarding school. Mame's husband dies and she returns. Patrick grows up, gets married and has a son. Mame steps in to do all the crazy things with his son that she had done with Patrick.

I know that the way I have described it here sounds really boring but it is so funny! Mame's best friend is a party animal and spends the whole play either drunk or hung over. Watching her is hilarious, you never know when or from where she will drag herself up. The play is filled with non-verbal comedy.

Today has been pretty quiet around here. Amanda's boyfriend came over and we had BBQ chicken at Kevin's house. Yummm that was good! Amanda and Scott played Guitar Hero all afternoon. Amanda and I were going to go to the Rodeo this evening but I decided at the last minute that I really didn't want to go. I just wasn't in the mood and thought that having French toast and a movie sounded better. So that is what we did. Tomorrow is the town parade which I am looking forward to.

Well, enough babbling for tonight... more later.

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