Saturday, September 6, 2008

Too long once again

This week sure went by fast. Monday (Labor Day) Kevin, Amanda and I went into Pueblo to do the shopping for the concession stand in preparation of the first home football game. Tuesday it was back to work which included doing some training with my Aide of some changes in how we transport our handicapped student. There were some things that I learned at the conference this summer that we needed to do differently than we had been so I had to train her in how we were going to do them. Wednesday I had to go to training at the High school to prepare for substituting for the secretary which I did on Thursday. I did the things were left for me to do and had to ask for more work to keep myself busy. The principal gave me a job to do and was so impressed with how I was doing on it that she got permission from the superintendent to pay me to finish up the job this next week. Extra pay for me which never hurts the pocketbook. Yesterday we had back to school night and the first football game.

I worked in the concession stand which is what I normally do at the games. We had expected that we would not have that many sales because part of back to school night included free hot dogs in the cafeteria. Boy were we wrong! It was probably the busiest night we have had for concessions at least since I have been here. We grossed almost $1000 which meant about $400 in profit in 3 hours. We went through an entire gallon of popcorn oil, sold 95 orders of nachos, 85 orders of Frito pies, 80+ hot dogs, and the list goes on and on. We thought that we had purchased enough supplies for 2 games but will have to go back to Pueblo this week in order to have stuff for the game next weekend. About halfway through the night we were told that the drainage system for the concession stand and the bathrooms was not working right and we needed to try not to use the water anymore than necessary. So clean up after the game meant loading everything in the back of Kevin's truck, taking it to his house and he did all the dishes this morning. Even so, it was a late night last night.

Today has been a pretty lazy day for me. Mostly just playing my Pirate game online. Kevin did the dishes from last night and pulled some weeds in the yard until his allergies got the better of him. He has been laying down for a couple of hours in hopes that he would start feeling better. I hope that he does. I know how miserable that can be. I guess that is about all the news from this corner of the world for now.